

The CREARE faculty reunites internationally recognized scholars in economics of culture, sociologists, philosophers, experts in management, cultural entrepreneurs and other professionals in the cultural sector coming from all over the world: The Netherlands, Italy, France, Bulgaria, Japan, Germany, India, South Africa, Uganda. The faculty illustrates to the participants theoretical principles as well as real cases and experience that can inspire participants when re-applying these concepts in their daily experiences or research.

The core faculty of the International Summer School in Cultural Economics consists of:

Arjo Klamer

is a co-founder of CREARE Foundation. Since 1994, Arjo Klamer has occupied the chair in the Economics of Art and Culture at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Before that, he taught at various universities in the US. His main research concerns the relationship between culture and the economy. One of his major research topics is the value of culture: What determines it? How do we “negotiate” the price of art? What is the value of culture to an economy?
He is a member of the board of various cultural organisations including two theatre companies, the museum of Boymans & Beuningen in Rotterdam and he is chairman of the board of trustees of "Het grafisch lyceum" in Rotterdam. Since 2013 he is a Presented-elected of the Association of Cultural Economics International.
Alongside his teaching duties, Arjo Klamer is a prolific writer. He has numerous research projects and publications dedicated to the arts and culture, the latter of which are available at www.klamer.nl

Lyudmila Petrova

is a co-founder of CREARE Foundation and a director at the CREARE Summer School of Cultural Economics.  She holds an MA in cultural economics and cultural entrepreneurship and is an active member of the cultural economics research community.  Currently, she is a Research Associate at Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC), Rotterdam, the Netherlands, while pursuing a research on institutional change, culture related innovation, and cultural spillovers in the economy and society.
She has 10 years of experience in teaching and research in cultural economics at national and international Universities and Institutes. She actively presents at international conferences and seminars, as well as publishing in relevant journals. Since 2013 she is actively working on the design of a culture (e)valuation tool “The Value-Based Approach” and its implementation for the assessment of social change/innovation. She is also a research partner at a European research alliance focusing on spillover effects of cultural and creative industry.

Anna Mignosa

studied Economics at the University of Catania. She took her PhD at the Faculty of History and Arts Erasmus University, Rotterdam. She teaches Cultural Economics and Cultural Management at the University of Catania and the Art Academy. Since 2001 she is a member of the board of the Association of Cultural Economics International (ACEI) and she is a Canon Foundation Fellow for the year 2007.

Cees Langerveld

is a professor occupying an endowed chair in the economics of the performing arts at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. He is working in the field of theatre as a consultant and as director of the Chassé Theatre in Breda, The Netherlands. He studied economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and received his PhD in 2006 on the subject 'Economics of Theatres'. He is a member of several boards and institutions in the theatre World like the Dutch Foundation for the Performing Arts (NFPK+)




During the years our Alumni are also contributing to the courses of the Summer School 




Priyatej Kotipalli

coordinated the Winter Course in Mumbai in 2012. He is currently engaged in various projects related to policy research for the cultural sector in the Netherlands and India. Since 2013 he is working for the State of Chhattisgarh, Government of India, to map the crafts sector and give policy advice. He took his PhD research at Erasmus University focusing on the heritage sector in India, from a cultural economics perspective.




During the years, the International Summer School has been honoured with the participation of the following academicians and professionals:

Kazuko Goto

received her PhD from Kyoto University in 1998. She was associate professor in Saitama University since 1998, and visiting professor in Erasmus University, Rotterdam since 2004. Presently, she is professor at Saitama University, as well as executive board member of Association for Cultural Economics International. Also, she has been Editor of Journal of cultural economics since 1998 and editor in Chief since 2006, and is now president of Association for Cultural Economics in Japan.

Melle Daamen

has been general executive director of the Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam, one of the most important theatres in the Netherlands since October 2001. In the eight years before that he was founding director of the Mondriaan Foundation, a cultural fund for visual art, design and museological activities, with a budget of approx. 20 millions euro per year. At the moment Daamen is president of the International Film Festival Rotterdam. June 2007 Daamen was appointed by HM the Queen as one of the 9 members of the Counsel for Arts and Culture, advising the National Government on policy matters.

Hans Abbing

is an artist, economist and sociologist. He is an appointed professor of sociology at the Faculty of Arts Humanities and the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Amsterdam holding the Boekman chair and Professor Emeritus at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He conducts research in the sociology of art. He published his research including the book Why Artists are Poor, The Exceptional Economy of the Arts (2002) and numerous scientific articles.

Christian Handke

is assistant professor of Cultural Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He lectures in the BA programme Cultural Studies and the MA Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship. His research focuses on cultural economics and the economics of copyright, innovation and technological change, as well as the record industry. He has consulted for a variety of public and private organisations, including the National Academies of the Siences (USA), Industry Canada, the UK Intellectual Property Office and Fundacion Autor (Spain).

Olav Velthuis

is Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology of the University of Amsterdam, specializing in economic and cultural sociology. At the department, he is director of the program group Cultural Sociology, and used to be director of the MA programs in Sociology. In a cross-comparative fashion, he is currently studying the emergence and development of art markets in the BRIC-countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China). The project is financed by a VIDI-grant from the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO). Before moving to the Universiity of Amsterdam, he worked for several years as a Staff Reporter Globalization for the Dutch daily de Volkskrant .
Velthuis is the author of  Talking Prices. Symbolic Meanings of Prices on the Market for Contemporary Art (Princeton University Press, 2005), which received the Viviana Zelizer Distinguished Book Award of the American Sociological Association for the best book in economic sociology (2006).

Benhamou Françoise

is professor of economics at University Paris 13 and Institut National du Patrimoine, Paris. She is a member of the Cercle des Economistes, Member of the Scientific Committee of the Institut national du patrimoine, of the Fondation Jean JaurËs, of the Groupement díintÈrÍt scientifique Economie numÈrique, of the CNV (Centre national de la variètè et du jazz), of the CSPLA (Conseil supèrieur de la propriètè littèraire et artistique). She is a President Elect of the ACEI (Association for Cultural Economics International). She recently published L'Èconomie de la culture.

Dimiter Gantchev

is Deputy Director in the Culture and Creative Industries Sector of the World Intellectual Property Organization. His experience in WIPO involves also Senior Counselor in the Copyright and Related Rights Sector, the Economic Development Sector and the Office for Strategic Use of Intellectual Property for Development. In his professional activities in WIPO Mr. Gantchev focuses on issues related to the economics of copyright and related rights, their contribution to economic development as well as the use of copyright by creators in their everyday activities.

Jetske Homan van der Heide

is a senior director at Christieís Amsterdam. She studied art history in Groningen where she specialized in Modern era. After working at the ëCollection of Stateí, conducting the very successful exhibition ëRijksaankopen 1984í, Jetske joined Christieís in 1987, where she set up the Modern Art Department. Enjoying market leadership for the Netherlands ever since, Jetske initiated the Belgian Art Sales in Amsterdam as well as the equally successful CoBrA auctions. At Christieís, as well as on the international art market, Jetske is regarded the leading expert on Dutch and Belgian pre-war art.

Trilce Navarrete Hernandez

is currently PhD researcher at the University of Amsterdam where she investigates the evolution of systems to access cultural heritage in the Netherlands. She holds an MA in Cultural Economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam and an MA in Museum Management from the University of Oregon. Areas of interest include the impact of new technologies in the economics of museums (and in digital heritage), national digital heritage accounts (issues of definitions, accountability and reporting), and digital content management (including solutions allowing public interactivity).

Michael Hutter

is a professor of Cultural Economics and director of the the department "Cultural Sources of Newness" at the Social Science Centre (WZB), Berlin. As an economist, he is concerned with the relevance of social communication for the development of the economy. Recently, he is working on a project ìCo-Evolution of Economy and Artì which examines the relationship and interdependence between economy and visual arts from the 15th century until the present.

Avril Joffe

is the director of Creativity Avril Joffe (CAJ) in South Africa. She is a development economist with professional experience in the field of culture, culture and development and cultural and creative industries, and in project management, organizational governance, policy development, industry strategy and training. She has developed generic cultural policy frameworks and training tools on fundraising for the arts and enterprise development on behalf of the Arterial Network and completed a provincial mapping of the creative industries in Gauteng, South Africa. In addition, she has worked as a consultant for UNCTAD, ILO and UNESCO throughout Africa.

David Kaiza

was born in the north Ugandan town of Aboke, and lived in Kampala for 21 years because of the war and attended Makerere University which he graduated from in 1999. He has a background in mass communication and journalism, working for the regional newspaper, The EastAfrican, for many years where he was a literay-cultural critic. He ís active in giving seminars about the state of the arts in Africa, himself being a fine artist, story teller and animator.

Faisal Kiwewa

has a strong cultural background and has been very active in the cultural field in Uganda. In 2008 he founded Bayimba Cultural Foundation, a local Ugandan organization that is aimed at promoting local visual and performing arts and organises the annual Bayimba International Festival of Music and Arts.

Mariangela Lavanga

is assistant Professor in Cultural Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. She lectures in the Bachelor in Cultural Studies, the Pre-Master in Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship, and the Master in Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship. Her expertise lies in the analysis of the interrelations between cultural and creative industries and cities, creative cities, creative clusters and cultural policy. The fashion and design industries are her new topics of research. Mariangela has over 10 years of academic and professional experience as a researcher, lecturer and consultant. She has provided research and consultancy services for government authorities, foundations and organizations across Europe.

Slawek Magala

is a professor and currently holding a chair in cross-cultural management at the Rotterdam School of Management of Erasmus University Rotterdam and chairs a department of organization and personnel management there. His recent interests include the comparative studies of cultural values with focus on global management training programs within the network of research communities linked to the standing Conference on Management and Organization Inquiry (sc'MOI) and to the International Academy of Management.

Isidoro Mazza

holds degrees from the University of Catania, University of Maryland at College Park (MA), andthe University of Amsterdam (PhD). He is professor of public financeat the University of Catania. He has published in the fields of public economics, economics of the arts and culture, international economics and urban economics.

Gert Poppe

(1964) joined the Maastricht Centre for Entrepreneurship in juli 2009. After having worked for DSM Research for a number of years he became active as a consultant and (team)coach in creativity and innovation. Gert has extensive experience in helping companies and individuals to grow their creative and entrepreneurial skills. He is particularly interested in the interface between universities (and other knowledge institutes) and business, and in what both parties could do together to boost innovation. Next to his work for the MC4E Gert has his own company, CuinQ Consulting, and he gives workshops on the relation between entrepreneurship,business and jazz-music.

Ilde Rizzo

is professor of public finance at the University of Catania and Director of the Postgraduate Master on the Economics and Management of Cultural Heritage at the Scuola Superiore - University of Catania. She graduated from the University of Catania and has a DPhil from the University of Buckingham, UK. She has published in many fields of public finance and in cultural economics, editing and authoring books as well as many articles in professional journals and other publications. She was Vice president of the Italian Public Economics Society (2003-06) and is currently member of the Executive Board of the Association for Cultural Economics International.

Geerte Udo

After finishing her studies at the University of Leiden she moved to Amsterdam in the beginning of the year 2000. For several years Geerte worked as a consultant at Twynstra Gudde. Five years ago Geerte started her career at Amsterdam Partners as Marketing Manager. Since 1st of january she is managing director of Amsterdam Partners. Amsterdam Partners is the city marketing platform of Amsterdam and the surrounding region.The brand ëI amsterdamí was created as the new motto for the city and officially launched in September 2004. Amsterdam Partners strives to realize as much visibility for ëI amsterdamí as possible via marketing campaigns, free publicity, events, merchandizing and the internet portal iamsterdam.com.

Antoon Van den Braembussche

studied Philosophy and Ethics at the Free University of Brussels. He is currently part-time professor of art criticism and lecturer at the university and the Higher Institute of Higher Arts (HISK), Philosophy East-West (Utrecht) and Centre Erasme. His expertise include: philosophy of art, art criticism, philosophy, culture and philosophy of history. More specifically he is working on the study of postmodernism, post-structuralism, comparative philosophy and cultural aesthetics representation and collective memory, the philosophy of digital culture and contemporary art.

Ruud Welten

studied jazz at the Conservatory in Rotterdam and philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is assistant professor in philosophy at the University of Tilburg. He is also professor Corporate Social Responsibility at University of Applied Sciences at Deventer. His work focuses on contemporary French phenomenology on which he published many articles in several books in German, English, French and Dutch. He translated Levinas and Sartre and wrote a stage play about Sartre and Camus.



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